Officers of the Civic Guard of St Adrian by Hendrick Gerritsz Pot - Hand-Painted Oil Painting on Canvas
Officers of the Civic Guard of St Adrian by Hendrick Gerritsz Pot - Hand-Painted Oil Painting on Canvas
Item # - HM36701
Museum Quality Hand-Painted Oil Painting on Canvas - Every oil painting of ours is 100% hand painted one brushstroke at a time by one of our experienced artists. We have highly skilled artists who are able to beautifully reproduce any genre of oil painting.
Medium - High quality oil paints on artist grade canvas.
Free Shipping & Handling within the continental U.S. - Shipped unframed and rolled in a heavy-duty protective shipping tube.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee - Shop with confidence and peace of mind with our no hassle 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, see details.
Officers of the Civic Guard of St Adrian by Hendrick Gerritsz Pot is an entirely hand painted oil painting reproduction, painted by one of our talented oil painting artists, and is not a machine generated print or giclee. Our collection of oil paintings for sale features Hendrick Gerritsz Pot painting reproductions as well as reproductions from thousands of other famous artists, all priced well below traditional art gallery prices.